If you are strapped for time, or for money to invest into yourself, this is the right place for you in the TLF family. The Foundation is mainly content based platform to give you an on demand experience of entrepreneurial education. 

Who is this for?

The Total Life Freedom Elite Mastermind is for full time entrepreneurs, freelancers and business owners who are looking to be challenged and to level up their game. They are often successful but don’t feel challenged by those who surround them. The TLF Elite Mastermind provides a trusted board of directors of generous and ambitious entrepreneurs like themselves to collaborate on higher level ideas, strategies and problem solving. 


The Elite Mastermind is application/invite only and is currently sold out. If This is your tribe to collaborate, connect, gain exclusive content, be held accountable to your goals, celebrate wins and create relationships with some of the most inspiring freelancers and entrepreneurs around the world. 

What You Get

  • Monthly, live Q&A session led by Vincent where he answers your questions. 


  • Replays of the TLF Community niched mastermind calls.The niche mastermind calls are based around Finance, Social Media, Membership sites, Podcasting, Networking, Tech and Automation, Book Marketing and Real Estate. And we are always looking to add new calls and leaders to enhance our education together. 

-Discounted rate for one on one coaching with me.

-Extensive library of courses created exclusively for TLF members like Build Your Powerful Network, Overcoming Imposter Syndrome, Mastering the 80/20 Rule, Podcast Guesting Success, Grow Your Email List, The Freedom Fund and more.

– Invites to live events before they are made public. 


The Total Life Freedom Team is offered by referral, personal invite and application only. We have a limited number of members. Only those who are truly driven and desire to pursue Total Life Freedom will be admitted. 

There is no catch, and we’ll never sell you anything you don’t need or aren’t ready for. This is a tight knit, supportive, helpful and driven group of amazing people and we guarantee results, or you can cancel your membership anytime! 

On behalf of myself, Elizabeth and our dedicated tribe of freelancers, entrepreneurs and influencers, we can’t wait to see you take your life and freedom to the next level. 

– Vincent 

P.S. – If you roll with other high integrity people and know someone who would benefit from this. Be sure you send it to them as well.

TLF Elite Mastermind

$500 $500 / month

TLF Community

$150 / month
  • Weekly niche calls (Affiliates, Finance, Sales/Revenue, Family, Health, Kids and Entrepreneurship, Copywriting, etc,)
  • Monthy Audio Courses (Build Your Powerful Network, Podcast Guesting, Overcoming Imposter Syndrome, Etc.)
  • Live Q&A guest expert calls (past guests include Seth Godin, John Ruhlin, John Lee Dumas, Bob Burg)
  • Private FB group with weekly accountability

– Access to all of the niche mastermind calls inside of the TLF Community, built around the eight monthly topics- Finance, Social Media, Membership sites, Podcasting, Networking, Tech and Automation, Book Marketing and Real Estate.